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Dilip Wakes Up

Dilip had things to do in life. But at that moment he was more focused on the two hairs that lay on his pillow. They were long and wavy, much like his own. It made him sad. Maybe he was losing his hair. 'A sad thought', he thought.

He had just woken up. His room was dark and smelled of garlic bread. Dilip hoped that was due to dinner the night before.

He breathed. 'Air is pretty useful, I think', he thought. Dilip generally thought a lot. One could even say, he was a thot, for thoughts. He chuckled at this thought.

Enough fooling around, it was time to get up. He crawled towards the edge of his bed and slumped down with a sigh. He cursed the world in his mind for beginning so early in the morning. It was ridiculously unfair, really.

He gathered himself up and got on his feet with a soft groan.

Ugh. So tiring.

Dilip walked into his bathroom while undoing his pants, stopped in front of the toilet and started doing his thing.

He noticed a small lizard out by the window. It seemed to be looking right back at him. He shuddered. As a rule of thumb, Dilip didn't like lizards of the home variety.They were small and icky. And they looked like they would enjoy attacking him. Irrational, he knew, but there was nothing could he do about it really. He looked away and continued doing his thing.

'Get over already, man', thought Dilip. It seemed like the doing of his thing had been going on forever. He propped his head back and stared at the ceiling. There was that mark that looked like a pirate ship. That was a nice mark. He'd spent many a poo looking at it and imagining heroic adventures and hidden treasures and lost cities and dusky maidens while out on the seas. Ah what fun that kind of life would have been. He could almost feel the salty air lashing at his face as he navigated through a furious storm threatening to get his ship capsized. He sighed. He could feel the cold steel of his sword as he held it in his hand. He wielded it with incredible skill as he struck down his foes... Oh.

He sighed again. His thing was done.

He pulled his pants up and trudged to the sink. He washed his hands and then proceeded to splash his face with water. That felt good. 'Brushing next', he thought. He squeezed a bit of toothpaste onto his toothbrush, wet it a bit under the tap, and popped it into his mouth.

Swish, swish, swish. He stared into the mirror. Two more pimples had appeared on his cheeks. 'Blasphemous', he thought. All that scrubbing with those anti pimple face washes and creams, and nothing good ever came of it. Except for them though. Swish, swish, swish. They took advantage of his insecurity and they got his money. 'Screw this I'm never using these again', he exclaimed mentally. He decided he wasn't going to let the multinational corporations capitalize on his puberty. Swish, swish, swish. Enough was enough. Swish, swish. It was time for change. Swish. Done. He spat out the toothpaste and rinsed his mouth.

He stopped to look at himself again. He observed himself. His stubble was beginning to show now. He wondered if he should shave. He rubbed his chin.

Maybe tomorrow.

He turned around and was walking out when the anti-pimple face wash on the counter caught his eye. He stopped. He sighed.

Five minutes later he walked out of the bathroom, feeling better about himself. He plucked his phone from the charger and switched off the fan. Then he walked out his door.

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