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Music affects me a lot. I rather love it. There’s nothing else I’d rather do in the world as long as I’ve got a pair of headphones and access to my library. I spend many hours a day lying in bed or sprawled across the sofa with whatever I’m into at that point in time, playing at obnoxious volumes. Science has told me that it is therapeutic, and I can see why.

To me, sound has this uncanny ability to intensify things. The way a note from a song can affect me is incredible. It grips me and makes me feel an emotion that I can’t describe. It’s not a happy or sad feeling but one of understanding. It’s like, I get it. And it gets me. I understand that sound and why it is where it is and what it wants me to feel. And I appreciate that. I don’t search for meaning in the lyrics that often when I listen to music. I really just like the sound of sound.

There’s just something about it that appeals to me so very much. There is a comfort in getting lost in a song. The rumbly, flowing lows surrounding you and the crisper highs standing out in front of you. Close your eyes and you can most definitely feel as if you’re a part of it. You can relate to it. Every single song will make you feel like you’re living it.

I was not always an advocate of the magic of music. I spent a big chunk of my life, up until I was about eleven, being unaware of the importance of a good song, and some days I rue my idiotic ignorance. But I am grateful, to my mother mainly, for making sure I somehow came to appreciate it. I came it love it so much that I can’t go a day without it.

Now, point is, I don’t write all that often here. And that’s because I find myself running out of things to talk about. The last thing I want is this space to become repetitive and boring, and so I end up posting only about once in two months. Which is, quite honestly pathetic for a so called ‘writer’.

So there I was, one day, sprawled across the couch as usual, listening to music, an thinking about things. I was thinking about my blog. I was thinking about how proud I was of it, and about how it was just fizzling out. And I was listening to music. That’s when it struck me.

I’m going to write about music. I’m going to talk about all the things I love about it. I’m going to talk about the albums and artists that inspire me. I’m going to talk about production techniques that leave me awestruck. I’m going to talk about the instruments I aspire to master. I’m going to talk about all the times music has given me chills and goosebumps and left me feeling thankful for the fact that I can appreciate it. Music helped me through a pretty difficult part of my life, and I think it’s only fair that I give back something, no matter how minuscule, to it.

Best part is, I’m never going to run out of stuff to tell you about. My usual stuff will still be around though, so you needn’t worry about that.

Anyhow, I’m excited. Let’s see where this goes.

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