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Sometimes I just feel like sitting in my armchair for the rest of my life doing nothing at all.

Sometimes? That's all the time.

Really? That's not good is it?

I suppose not. But then again, a clock doesn't move at all on the outside and the only thing that's moving about it is it's insides. Which would basically be you if you just sat in one place and never moved.  And you never hear a clock complaining about anything, do you?

Hmm. So are you subtly comparing the human to a clock or are you subtly saying that humans are clocks?

You just said the same thing in two different ways...

I know, I just felt like saying something that sounded intelligent.

Well what you said didn't sound so intelligent to me...

I know, man. Forget it.

Okay, if you say so.

Anyway. What's up?

You already know. We're the same person, bro. Whatever I do, you do too.

Oooohh. That's something from a sci-fi movie!

Not really. If it was, we'd be in a science fiction movie. But we aren't.

Stop being so critical of everything I say.

In a way, it's you that's being critical. Since we are in fact the same person.

I hate you.

So you hate yourself.

What? No!

Yeah, you do.

Aargh! Go away! Why are you here?! I was so happy just sitting in my chair and listening to music! Why did you have to show up and ruin my time?!

*whistles a happy tune* 

Go away!!

Why can't we just get along?

Because you're an annoying person and I don't like you.

I think you are secretly intimidated by my intellectual prowess and are conscious of the fact

that I am better than you.

*tongue flapping noise*

Hmm. Okay then. If you cannot adjust, you don't deserve my company. I'm going. Bye.



Get away from mee!!

(Whistling dies away)

Ah! Finally. Some peace and quiet.

Hah! Gotcha! I didn't go!

*deep sigh*

So! What's new?

I hate you.

Hmm... And?

My leg hurts.

Interesting. What else?

There are many mosquitoes here.

That must be irritating, no?

Not as much as you...

Why you gotta be so rude?

I hate you.

You said that before.

I haven't said it enough. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

Hate is a four letter word.

What in the name of God does that have to do with anything?!?!?!??!??!

Nothing really. Just an observation.

If I had the choice, I would pick drowning over a conversation with you.

But if you drowned, you'd never live again.

And that would mean never talking to you again. So it's a win.

Really violent thoughts there, mister.

Come and stand in front of me in a material form and I'll show you violent.

Hahaha. You know I can never do that.

Another reason to hate your guts.

I suppose so.




I see. You are ignoring moi?


Hmm. No point in staying any longer then, is there?


Ookie... Goodnight!





Phew! He's gone...

Hello there you sneaky little bastard!

Oh man...


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