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The Truth of Life pt.2

That first part must have seemed pretty confusing huh? Probably not cuz you’re all smart people anyway; but for continuity purposes this is going to be the one in which I talk about stuff.

I believe we didn’t evolve from apes. We evolved from sloths. You know, those really really slow things that move about at night and sleep more than 10 hours a day and spend 90% of their time awake being motionless? You see the analogy?

Yeah. No joke.

The thing is, the average person is going to wait till the last possible moment to start work on anything, no matter how dire the consequences may be. Be it a kid somehow finishing their homework late into a Sunday night or a man finishing a report 2 minutes before the deadline. Even James Cameron took like 11 years to make the second Avatar movie. We just really like not working. Procrastination isn’t a quality you gain, it’s an inbuilt trait.

The world has had many things happen to it in its latter years of existence. Most of them with negative consequences and all of them unnecessary. From global warming to mumble rap, problems have come knocking at our door and we just sort of let them in. We are the old cat lady that takes in every stray that scratches at our door. Except all the strays are feral and have rabies and bite us every other hour.

One of my favorite screw-ups is… wait, I’ve gone off topic. (mentally notes new possible topic for blog post)


So yeah, having made ourselves this lethal cocktail of possibly life threatening issues, we only realised that we should stop drinking it after the bar closed down and we were halfway home.

What we have to realize is that the signs are all there. They’re not even subtle. Recently the almost hilarious water shortages in Chennai showed us how bad things have to get before we understand there’s a problem. Every single report on the issue, specifically states that ‘mismanagement’ was the leading cause of the problem.

And that’s not it. Problems like this one have cropped up around the world with increasing intensity and in not one instance have we been able to say that we managed to prevent it from having adverse effects. Hey you know, I’m pretty sure ‘prevention is better than a cure’ is a quote or something from somewhere. Clearly we’ve forgotten about it though.

What we choose to remember is that ignorance is bliss. We exist in such ignorance, in fact, that we don’t believe in the fact that not taking care of our predicament might just end up being the death of us all. We continue to rape our planet for it’s fruits, with no intention of planting new seed. It’s a crime honestly. It’s really a crime against the Earth. Against it’s inhabitants. Against even ourselves. And there’s no justice system to reprimand our actions. We go on with our business, patting ourselves on the back for being ingenuous and smart and incredible and the top dog on the hierarchy of Earth’s species. But that’s wrong. Because really we deserve to die.

I suppose that might just be what we need. A culling. A new beginning? Maybe that’d make us realize.

Till then though, we can listen to mumble rappers and feel bad about what we’ve brought upon our planet.

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