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I want to do something worthwhile. I don’t want to waste my life. But what is something worthwhile? I don’t know. What I do know is that if I do do something major, I’ll have to work hard for it. Because that’s what everyone says. Or maybe they don’t and I made that up. I don’t know anymore. Currently my day to day life involves a lot of not knowing. I know that I don’t like it, though. Day dreaming and procrastination tend to push out the more important things in life. Like productive thoughts.

But isn’t day dreaming productive?

I suppose not. Why did I think it was?

You must understand that a lot of what I think isn’t real and will not apply to real life. I think. What am I talking about???

Nothing really. I have no deep meaningful message for you today. Only my train of thought.


Productive thoughts.

beeeetles. *shakes head* AARGH.

Hehe. This is fun. Just letting my fingers run around the keyboard typing whatever happens to cross my mind. They say an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop, right? Well this workshop is prety fun to be in. Chainsaws and screwdrivers. And many many sheets of metal. *clang*

Attention is key. Any compromise on it will land you in big trouble. I used to lose it pretty easily in class. It isn’t that hard to do if you like thinking about things. I do. So it became a big problem for me. I woud be sitting in class trying to understand the difference between ferns and flowering plants with extreme concentration hoping that I wouldn’t suddenly lose control. And without warning I would slip off and go into the psychadelic world of my brain.

Bright lights and concentric circles. Somewhat like the visualizers you see on music players. That would be my world for the next five minutes or so and suddenly I’d come crashing down. Like a meteorite… or asteroid. I have forgotten the difference. Something to do with being inside or outside the atmosphere. AAARGHH. Brain brain brain brain brain. Focus focus.

So! Where were we?

Nowhere really. Today there is no purpose for my writings. Or anything. Else. Whatsoever.


Thank you Coca-Cola.

Well this was fun. Let’s do it again in a few days.

See you next time then!

Averidirreverecerci. Is that it? Hopefully. I think it means bye.

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