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You Can’t Stop Me

What makes one good or bad? It’s the choices they make and the actions they show to the world. It’s the impressions created about them by those around. But really, we’re all just the same twisted, dark, creatures of the dark masquerading as nice, normal people. That’s probably why most of the weird shit we think about is at night. (Fun fact, this blog is exclusively written during the hours between midnight and three o’clock in the morning.)

But, Sunandan what are you talking about? What do you mean we’re all dark and twisted? Please explain.

Yeah I was just going to when you rudely interrupted me, reader.


Well anyhow, I suppose our normal is the screwed up monster hiding underneath. You may think you’re all innocent and fine and dandy, but the truth is you’re just a step away from cracking. Our sanity is but an incredibly thin malleable layer of morality that holds back all the crazy within. And we’re judged on how well we can bottle up the leaks that constantly happen all around that layer.

Like how if I now start talking about a topic that’s considered taboo by everyone, you’ll immediately start thinking about it. Like say… bestiality. If I continue to talk about intercourse with animals, you’re going to start to imagine the act. If I start to justify it and say how it’s okay to endorse it, your mind will slowly start convincing you about the same. Brainwashing is that easy. You can be changed in all sorts of ways with just words… or actions.

We’re all just a second away from becoming inherently different people. But we dont like to accept that notion. Everyone (including me) wants to believe that they are strong and steadfast in their morals and opinions and that they cannot be influenced by other people or things. Foolish, of course, but I don’t think we can help it.

However, I do think we’re better off this way. Being hyper aware of of our reality is a headache that we’re all better off without. Just like in the case of world hunger and submission deadlines, it’s better to be ignorant. I mean… you can’t have a problem unless you know it exists, right?

I don’t know.

But yeah, I like to think about it sometimes and feel amazed. Thought you’d like to do the same.

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